Playful Parenting

Who is it for?

For mum’s and dad’s that want to learn more about the importance of play and building a relationship. It’s for families with children who are between 1-3 years to encourage their toddler’s language, social, and emotional development.

Practical information

Each session is 2 hours and takes place over 4 weeks.

What are the benefits?

  • Improve Family relationships.
  • Learn about play and it’s benefits to you and your children.
  • How to support play and make everyday life more playful.
  • Reflect on your enjoyable memories of play and how it made you feel.
  • Explore the different types and patterns of play.
  • Increased confidence of playing with your child and how you can use it to develop your relationship.
  • Able to play with intention of knowing how it builds your baby’s brain.
  • Know how to use cheap and free resources to create quality moments for play.
  • You can meet other new mums and dads and be able to share your journey with them and make new friendships.
  • Experience support from other mums and dads that are at the same stage of parenting as you.


  • “All good. Lots of different play ideas to take away. Nice to talk to other mums. You did a fab job.”
  • “Very good. I can relate everything back to my child and understand his development.”
  • “Really good, nice to see other faces.”
  • “Felt confident to ask for advice. You both did an amazing job.”