Family Links Workshops
Who is it for?
It’s for mums, dads and carers, with a child over 4. Offering ideas and strategies to deal with the challenges children can bring so that you can have a calmer, happier family life. It’s suitable for parents that are unable to commit to the full 11 week programme.
Practical information
- Each session is 2 hours and takes place over 4 weeks.
- A crèche is provided
What are the benefits?
- Understand children’s behaviour, listening and communication, praise and encouragement.
- Praise and guidance v’s criticism, child led play and positive moments.
- Boundaries and parenting styles, time to calm down, dealing with stress and conflict.
- Choices and consequences, behaviour to ignore, putting the puzzle together, looking after ourselves.
- You can meet other new mums and dads and be able to share your journey with them and make new friendships.
- Experience support from other mums and dads that are at the same stage of parenting as you
To request a place, please contact us on 07508 021147 or 01633 648792 or email [email protected]
In this section
- Baby Allsorts Outdoor Group
- Circle of Security
- Dad and Me Sessions
- Elklan ‘Let’s Talk With Your Baby’
- Family Links Nurturing Programme
- Family Links Talking Teens
- Family Links Workshops
- Family Play Sessions
- For Dads By Dads Group
- Forest Schools Outdoor Group
- Incredible Years Babies Group
- Incredible Years Toddlers Programme
- Parenting Resources
- Parents as First Teachers (PAFT)
- Playful Parenting
- 'Welcome To The World’ Ante Natal Group Programme