Circle of Security

Who is it for?

A group for Mums and Dads with children between 4 months and 4 years. It gives you a new way of thinking about your child and identify their cues that tell us what they need from us that makes them feel loved and cared for.

Practical information

  • Each session is 2 hours and takes place over 9 weeks.
  • A crèche is provided.

What are the benefits?

  • You can meet other new mums and dads and be able to share your journey with them and make new friendships.
  • Helps you understand children’s behaviour as communication.
  • Find the need that lies behind certain behaviour and how to respond in a kind, supportive way.
  • Support your child to understand their feelings.
  • You can provide your child with the building blocks for a healthy emotional future.
  • Identify your ‘Shark Music’ which enables you to remain calm when behaviours are overwhelming.
  • Know when to provide comfort and protection but to also give them space to explore to help develop their own character.
  • Know how to repair the relationship when you and your child become upset.
  • An increased bond with your child as you learn to understand them and what they need.
  • Experience support from other mums and dads that are experiencing parenthood like you.
  • It’s a safe and confidential space to talk without being judged.
  • You will feel more confident and feel happier.

Circle of Security – age 4 plus – to request a place, please contact us on 07508 021147 or 01633 648792 or email [email protected]

Circle of Security – 0- 4 - to request a place, please contact07950187925 or email [email protected]


  • “I think the group would be helpful to all parents, regardless of their children’s ages or needs or their specific life experiences. I went into the group thinking that I already understood attachment and had a positive relationship with my children and therefore probably wouldn’t benefit from the course, and have been blown away by how much I have learnt and the fundamental change in perspective that it has given me."