Frequently Asked Questions
How do I find Childcare in my area, and what are the options?
You can contact us on our freephone number 0800 0196 330 for advice and guidance on childcare types, information on local childcare available, and help with the cost of childcare.
How do I know if I can receive any help with the cost of childcare?
If you are working and paying for registered childcare, you may be eligible for some help towards the cost of childcare. Details of the financial help available can be found on our Help With Childcare Costs page.
What is the free childcare entitlement for 2 year olds, and how do I know if I'm eligible?
the Welsh Government programme Flying Start, which is targeted in specific areas across Wales. You can check to see if you are living in a Flying Start area by calling us on Freephone 0800 0196 330 or speaking to your Health Visitor. More information about Flying Start can be found here.
I don't live in a Flying Start area, what support is available for me?
There are lots of programmes in Torfaen that support children, young people and families (including parents to-be). Call us on freephone 0800 0196 330 to access information based on your individual needs. You can also visit our Children & Family Support pages for details on Families First and more.
How do I apply for nursery school/nursery class in Torfaen?
If you have moved since your child was born, you may need to contact Torfaen Education Service on 01495 766915 to update your child's address. Contact us Freephone 0800 0196 330 or email [email protected] for details of local nursery provision.
What is rising three nursery education?
Children can apply for a nursery place the term after they turn three years old. Rising three places are dependant on whether state nursery provision (nurseries based at a school) or private childcare settings (education providers) have availability.
Parents are sent a letter for nursery education (see above) in the September before their third birthday, and children may be eligible to start the term after their third birthday ( a rising three nursery place).
Rising three places are dependant on whether state nursery provision (nurseries based at a school) or private childcare settings (education providers) have availability.
What is the 30 hours childcare offer and how can I access it?
The Childcare Offer For Wales is a Welsh Government initiative and will provide eligible working parents with 30 hours childcare for 3-4 year olds only. The 30 hours childcare will be a combination of early education (between 10 - 12.5 hours) and childcare (between 17.5 - 20 hours), for up to 48 weeks per year. More information can be found on The Childcare Offer for Wales page.
What can I expect when I contact the service?
When you contact FIS you will receive a friendly and professional service and your enquiry will be treated in confidence. We will do our best to answer all your questions and provide you with any useful publications and information, we will also signpost you to other services that may be able to support you if you need further help. We will create a tailor-made information pack for you, which you can receive through the post or email. Alternatively you can come and speak to us face to face at Cwmbran Integrated Children's Centre, Ton Road, NP44 7LE.