Contact Us
Freephone 0800 0196 330 to speak to a member of the team during opening hours or leave a message at other times.
Email [email protected] with details of your enquiry
Or you could send us a Feedback Form.
Visit Us
Torfaen Family Information Service, Cwmbran Integrated Children’s Centre, Ton Road, Cwmbran, NP44 7LE
Social Media
Follow us at www.facebook.com/TorfaenFIS or www.twitter.com/TorfaenFIS
If you would like us to bring our service to your business, club, setting or activity contact us on 01633 647400.
Opening Hours
8:30am – 4:30pm - Monday to Friday
If you would like us to bring our service to your business, club, setting or activity contact us on 01633 647400.