Early Intervention - Information for Parents
What is changing?
Welsh Government are changing the way that children are and young people will be supported by replacing the special educational needs (SEN) system with the additional learning needs (ALN) system.
Children and young people with SEN will move from the SEN system to the ALN system between January 2022 and August 2024.
Children and young people who have ALN, as defined by the ALN ET Act, will have a new plan called an Individual Development Plan (an IDP).
Please click on the following links for more information.
- Implementation - A guide for Parents and Families
- Advocacy Support - About Me
- Person Centred Planning (PCP) - A Guide for Parents and Carers
- Person Centred Approach and Individual Development Plan (IDP) - A Guide for Parents and Carers
Wriggly Woos is a stay and play session for children age 15 months to 3 years who are pre or post diagnosis of Autism /social communication difficulties. They work closely with a variety of services to ensure we offer the best support for your families needs. This is a referral process only, please click on the below links for further information.