Family Links Nurturing Programme

Who is it for?

It’s for mums, dads and carers, with children under 11 years of age. To help parent/ carers understand and manage feelings and behaviour, while becoming more positive and nurturing in their relationships with their children and each other. The programme also provides effective strategies to encourage cooperative, responsible behaviour and manage challenging behaviour in children, to help us get the best out of family life.

Practical information

  • Each session is 2 hours and take place over 11 weeks.
  • A crèche is provided.

What are the benefits?

  • Learn about why children behave like they do.
  • Understand your own feelings and how it impacts on the way you parent.
  • Understand your child’s feelings.
  • Increases your positivity and nurturing skills.
  • Recognise the feelings behind behaviours, both parents and children.
  • Explore different approaches to positive discipline.
  • The importance of looking after and nurturing ourselves.
  • Find ways to develop co-operation and self discipline in children.
  • Give your child a healthy start and have a happier home.
  • You can meet other new mums and dads and be able to share your journey with them and make new friendships.
  • Experience support from other mums and dads that are at the same stage of parenting as you.


  • “Enjoyable. I was able to speak to others on how I was feeling without being judged.”
  • “Learnt new ideas and how important it is to look after yourself.”
  • “I don’t normally like going out and struggle in groups. But the group was small in numbers, friendly and welcoming enjoyed the weekly topics learning new ideas such as praise, choices and consequences, family rules and time in. Each week we fed back on what we have tried at home.”
  • “With my son’s disabilities I found it difficult leaving him with others but the crèche made me feel confident and reassured me he would be ok and have fun with the other children. This also gave me a break from my son which has helped in our relationship.”