Cost of Living Support
Carer Support Fund
Unpaid Carers can now apply for grants for essential items. For out more about the Carer Support Fund South East Wales here, or you can contact [email protected]
Food vouchers and Food Banks
You can get vouchers from Citizens Advice, JobCentre Plus, GP surgeries, health visitors and social workers which can be used at your local food bank.
Citizens Advice
For information about food vouchers and food banks, visit www.citizensadvice.org.uk
Torfaen Voluntary Alliance
For information on local food banks visit www.tvawales.org.uk
Free School meals
If you are on benefits your child may be eligible for free school meals. Find out more about Free School Meals here.
Food Resilience Partnership
Aims to increase the amount of sustainable food in the borough and find long term solutions to food poverty. Find out more about the Food Resilience Programme here.
Torfaen Council benefits team
Contact the Council benefits team at [email protected] or phone the Customer Care Team on 01495 766430 or 01495 766570.
Building Resilient Communities
For advice about how to prevent future hardship visit the Building Resilient Communities website.
Help for Households (gov.uk)
The UK Government have created the Help for Households website which puts available financial support and advice all in one place. Visit helpforhouseholds.campaign.gov.uk