Baby Allsorts Outdoor Group

Who is it for?

This group is suitable for mums and dads with babies between 3-12 months.

Practical information

  • It’s a weekly drop in session.
  • Each session is around 1 hour and 30 minutes.
  • Sessions take place outdoors in all weathers so make sure you and baby wrap up appropriately.

What are the benefits?

  • You can meet other new mums and dads and be able to share your journey with them and make new friendships.
  • Have new ideas of to how to connect with language, sounds and touch in the earliest days that encourage your connection between you and baby.
  • You can focus on developing your bond and how you respond and interact with your baby.
  • Engage in fun play activities that stimulate your baby in a happy location.
  • Experience green space and fresh air that feeds your mental health and gives you good vibes, helping to relieve stress and anxiety.
  • Gentle exercise as you join us for a walk around the park.
  • Experience support from other mums and dads that are experiencing baby life like you.


  • “Just wanted to thank you, it makes my week.”