Welsh Medium Childcare and Education

Why choose Welsh Medium childcare for your child?

Welsh medium childcare for pre-school children in Torfaen is currently available through childminders, cylchoedd meithrin, and 1 day nursery.

For further information on Welsh medium childcare, please visit our online childcare search facility here  

What does it mean to be bilingual?

Being Bilingual in Torfaen This booklet maps a Welsh medium journey for your child and you – through the pre school and school years from nursery, to primary, secondary schools, further education and beyond.

Why choose this journey?

Back to childcare and nursery education >

Worried that you don’t speak welsh?

Resources and Songs

Training opportunities

Camau courses are ‘Work Welsh courses’ which are bespoke for early years and the childcare sector.


http://Camau Resources | cwlwm