Gofal Plant ac Addysg Cyfrwng Cymraeg

Welsh Medium Childcare for pre-school children (0-4 years)

Welsh medium childcare for pre-school children in Torfaen is currently available through childminders, cylchoedd meithrin, and 1 day nursery.

For further information on Welsh medium childcare, please visit our online childcare search facility here  

Being Bilingual in Torfaen This booklet maps a Welsh medium journey for your child and you – through the pre school and school years from nursery, to primary, secondary schools, further education and beyond.

Why Choose this journey? Please see below a number of videos commissioned by Mudiad Meithrin to help support non Welsh speaking families.

Back to childcare and nursery education >

Nôl i ofal plant ac addysg feithrin >